Friday, June 30, 2006

I'Z A LADY I IS!!!!!!!

Ok Reba I bit I is a lady and hought I would let you all know that before I head out to the lake in the am that I will survived my sons Grad!!!! A fun time was had by all. He certainly is the entertainer!!! Now God has to help find a job and decide which paths to take in life. He did well and I am quite proud of my boy!!! I do have some concerns but nothing no other mother worries about when there children grow up and you have to let go!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Scarry let me tell you!!! Help!!!! So I am off to the lake to work, relax and have fun. After this weekend I will also begin to pray for my husband to have to go out of town for awhile again as we all need a break, he thinks he is going to convince me to keep this child in my home who has driven me insane. NOT HAPPENING !!!!! NO! NO! NO! My little guys need a mom not a big old B for a mother. So too bad for Dave he can go live with him elsewhere if cares about him so much. Not happening, not in this life time. Anyways didn't sign off to vent about that but so say HAPPY CANADAY DAY EVERY ONE. ESPECIALLY TO ALL MY LOYAL FANS. ANYONE SEE THE OLD GAIL'S SENSE OF HUMOUR coming back. Good because it is count down is on 17 days ye ha!!! Party! Party ! Who will come and join me.. DAte and time to be given at a further date. Just kidding. Okay fold gotta fly time to pack things up and get things ready to go to the lake!!! Back again sometime in July!!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Just a short one as the day will be busy as my older baby is graduating tomorrow and there is lots of work to be done. I also have a friend in the city who will be arriving today. I have to tell you all a story and I really need those of you who pray to please pray. When we moved here almost two years ago, I had my husband and a friend harping on me about getting rid of junk and that I should have a garage sale. So low and behold my girlfriend must have thrown these photo albums that looked like old readers digest books out. Now these photos were of all of Shawn and our family as a baby. Now for the past two weeks I have been looking for them and then last night one of my friends happened to be talking to this woman who bought thes photo albums at a second hand store. So I found out this womans phone number and phoned her. Now you must understand that these people are Christians, and her husband is suppose to be a pastor. I went into the explantation of what happened that I was looking at them as I was making a memory book for Shawn for his grad on Thursday and didn't really care about recieving the photo albums back but would really like the pictures back if she could give them to me. Her response to me was that they were hers, I threww them away and she bought them therefore they are hers. I proceeded to ask her why she would want pictures of someone else's life, her response to me once again was you threw them away, I bought them and they are mine. So I cried and cried and cried and in the midst of my upset I phoned her back offering her 100.00 just for the photo's of at least my son and his grandfather who is no longer with us. Her response to that was if you continue to harassed (two phone calls only) after I have thought about it I will absolutely not give them to you. So I will inform you all if I ever get them back but I am not holding my breathe and therefore will be going through my negatives and having to have them all developed again. My thought though at first before all this happened was that it was a God plan or blessing and how fluky is that , someone I know would have got these photo albums. But I guess it takes all kind to make the world go round even in the world or chritianity. Well best be trying to get on with life and get some work done. So until later HAVE YOURSELVES ALL A HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!! Also pray for a miracle for me to get those picatures back. Love Yas!!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Twice in one week now no one fall over or anything!! Finding the time is amazing is it not especially for me. Amazing what a couple of cracked ribs will allow you to find time to do. Life is just so much fun!!!! I made it through a couple of days with my ma ma, as well. It was actually kind of funny as Shawn asked if she had alziemers. She knows Pete and Repete. At the end of the first day I did have to vent in my personal journal and let off some air and pray that I would get through the day with her yesterday. But it all went ok so thank you Lord for your grace and mercies are knew every day. Now I have to learn how to deal with my 18 year old lazy son who is not wanting to work but have his hand out for this and that thinking we own a money tree. Rude awakening coming for him soon. He will live to know that the realities of life is not so much fun. He figures if he puts in one resume and gets one interview that he can stop there. We told hiim he does not stop until the job actually comes. He will be graduating next week so we are not really riding him to hard. His dad told him though that if he did not have a job after the long weekend that he will be going to work with him. He did not like that idea, and to be perfectly honest neither did I. He would have to much expectation on Shawn and he would end up in Selkirk by the end of summer if he worked with his daddy. They simply cannot work together. This last end of child rearing is just as difficult as all the other years. I know he will be okay and do okay in life it is to get him motivated to do something with his life. Life is life though and all I really can do is pray as he does have a mind of his own. Then the light for me is becoming brighter as the packing is beginning for my foster son that has caused me enough grief to go around the bend 20 times. He is leaving and I am oh so happy!!! Yes happy!!! The only thing I am debating now is whether or not I can wait until the middle of July. I will try that is for sure, but I know the one thing I have decided in my head and that is after the 14, if they do not pick him up that day I will be driving him to Winnipeg and dropping off and he will no longer be my problem. They had two and a half months notice and knew I was done at that point. Well I am being called to get cereal and all that stuff, so you all have a good day!!!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

You Know Your Getting Old When.......

Just thought I would let you all know that you may catch me blogging a little more over the next couple of days as I am unable to do anything. My wonderful 18 year old son and I were wrestling yesterday when he broke my rib and I am now unable to do house work. I have informed him that he has now become my _________. You fill it in. Payback can be nice sometimes and I will milk this one with him for sure. It all started with him having to take me to emerge until 4:00 a.m. He informed me that it was the first time he stayed up that late without alcohol. Poor baby!!! So be on the look out for more post I now have to go and supervise my van being cleaned as I have to go to the airport to pick up my wonderful mother who is coming in from the north for test once again. Joy, joy, joy!!!! Please do pray. O.K. Later!!!
Love Gail

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Well the garden is in, the yard work is pretty much done other than general upkeep and now the only preparation for the season would be our seasonal out at the Oasis. I so much look forward to 6 weeks of complete freedom, with just my boys and the beach. It will be so much fun, no big trip planned this year but that is okay as the garden is coming up this year already and it is so exciting to see all the changes in growth after the rain or even over night. My corn is already 3 inches and my radishes are coming and my beans and all of the other things as well. Life is looking like there is life for me finally, I can almost begin to see FREEDOM!!!
Although I think the past year has definitely take a tole on me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I will have alot of work to do to get back to feeling alive again. I also have lost many friends, in the process of this last very long season. My hope is those who really knew/know me will understand. If not I guess its one of those things you just cut your losses and hope that circumstances will bring them back into my life. I did not ever think I had fallen into a depression until a few things occured over the passed year that kind of made me realize, it really is a disabilatating illness. You really don't know until your there, your really don't understand it I think unless you've been there. I also believe we all may go trough different types and have some understanding but because we are unique individuals, with different strengths, our abilities are different. I do have to say though I am so happy that I am beginning to see life again. Up to now I was not even caring that my first born was graduating this year. I'm coming around. But the boys are now needing breakfast and I will keep somethings to post for another day.
I just thought I would let you all know for me life will be getting better. So until next time, have a great day!!!!