Saturday, February 10, 2007

Time for a Update!!!

Well life has certainly taken some different turns of events but I think it is all good. I think My Great and Mighty God is in control. I have been volunteering 2 and a half days a week at the school which keeps me very busy. I am still taking my French and I have also decided to challenge a course at Red River College so that I can go back to work and not have to stay home. I do so look forward to this and hope that I just keep walking in the steps and into the doors that He opens up for me. If they close I just look for the door He want to open up for me. Life with the boys is good, they are little sponges and are learning so much so fast. They so smart, I cannot believe it. As for the rest of my family well my greatest worries if you want to call it that is my husband has chosen a carreer change as well and we are back to wages of 20 years ago and he still expects us to keep up to all things as we have done over the past two years without having to change the way we budget. HHmmmmm...... another challege for me and kind of a worry too. Then there is my 19 year old son who is still trying to decide what to do with his life while he causes me a little bit of grief here and there. I think the grey hair will begin to come now but I hope not. I have had many thoughts of all my friends yet no time to pursue time to contact them as I have been busy with all family stuff and of course there is all of my wifely, mother, duties....... you know clean the house, do the laundry etc. etc. Although we Manitobans are in a bit of a deep freeze my mind is thinking of when it begins to warm up a bit I can plant all of my plants for my garden and get ready for the spring. Ohh how exciting it will be to get outside again and work in my yard. I also plan on going for walks every day after the kids get on the bus. My life always seems to be busy and I keep thinking of the new years thing to learn to only buy what I need and I have been watching some t.v. (Oprah for One) and it seems like that is the way all of the world is needing to start going. We are all living in a world where we think the more we have the better off we are yet it is not true, it only means the more we have the more there is to clean, collect dust, sit in a spot to only come to a place someday that we decide that we really don't need it. How silly is that???? Like really how many cars do we really need???How many sets of sheets do we really need??? Do we really need to have collections???Will we really pursue the idea that someday they will be worth money??? No cause were all to busy and we get to a place where we decide to either just give it away or pass it on to the next generation to collect and save and collect more dust. Less, Less, Less this will also give us the opportunity to offer more to the less fortunate be it here in our own country or overseas where children are being sold as slaves in one way or another. The very sad world that we live in taking advantage of the young and more vulnerable. Oh how sad but the only challege I can meet is the challenge I lay before myself and try to obtain to I can help even one. I cannot go out and change the world as I am only one person, but one person at a time one day at a time and in my world be kind, offer what I can to those who have so much less than I do. Be grateful and thankful for all that I do have and really pray for others to see and want to reach out to those around them in their communities or worlds or where they think they need to go to do good. Doing good does something within the soul, does something deep within that gives us fulfillment, a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that it really is not all about us but about serving one another and others. I believe this is what will change the so called "ME" generation, but they have to see it acted out as they are also very visual as well. Seeing the good acts will only lead them to asking questions and wanting to move in the same mode. Not all but those who are not happy with achieving for self and getting for self and living for self. What a preach that is anyway that is where I am, that is where my prayer life is . So in learning to serve my family more and with joy rather than frustration will lead to a place where I can serve others more and more. It first has to begin in my world and then I will have the ability to reach out to others and more and more. I at least believe that is the simplicity of it all home first then others. So to all of you who have been wondering what I have been up to that is about it all in a nutshell.
I did have a rather difficult time from about the 24th of January till about the 5th of February well I will probably even have a rough day tomorrow as well being the 10th of February as it will be 4 years tomorrow that we paid our last respects to my dad!!! My wonderful dad!!!! Funny you know as much as people say with time it gets easier etc. etc. In some ways it does but yet in many other ways it only leads me to thinking of him more and more. We face and get by all the occasions without but our thoughts are still there and yes we think of the good times more but in many ways although we may not shed the tears we once did we still grieve and are sad knowing they are no longer with us. At least this has been my experience with my dad and my grandmother. I found myself this year totally kind of reliving all of his last days which was very different, I did not share it with anyone other than my journal but yet my thoughts were that of my dad. I struggled with many sad moments but made it through. So now that I have been completely honest and fill you in on all of it I am going to play a few games and then I will be off to bed.


At 12:51 PM, Blogger Bev said...

Lots of good thoughts. Happy Birthday eve ..... you know like Christmas Eve??? Have a good day tomorrow. Love ya!


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