Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thank God For Children!!!!

Not sure what happened there I just hope I have not screwed up my entire Blog site. Oh well if it was not for children some of us would not get up, we would hide in our beds and never get up. Some of us would try to run away from our days, hoping never to wake up but fortunately when you have children you have no choice but to rise above the selfish thoughts and feeling and move on go forward and just do life. I became extremely excited though with the snow we recieved yesterday the night before All Hallows Eve!!!Oh yes!!! It slowed down the plans of those who wanted to do naughty things, to their neighbours and even the elderly and those who cannot protect themselves. Then there is tonight well it is still cold enough to make the evening a short one. Myself well we will be going out to a movie as a family as that is the choice our boys have made for tonight and tomorrow low and behold through the magic of mommy there will be much candy on the table for them when they arrive home from school. How much better than that can it get. Keeps them safe, we have a family night out together and everybody is happy!!! My Riley looked so cute in his "BEAR IN THE BIG BLUE HOUSE" costume for his class party!! At one time Halloween was fun, no harm was done. Now we have to always be so careful as we don't know people as well as we would like think all are good!!! Well at the beginning of next week I will decorate my house for the next Joyous Season of all Christmas!!! How much fun that will be the house looks so nice then! I will also begin my Christmas cards and letter!!! Wow last year I could not wait for this day to come and now that it is here I have to say I am having a very difficult time with having all this time on my hands. I feel sad, like I have no purpose once the kids are off to school and I wait and wait for the children to return home. Then the noise picks up again. The noise of children how lovely it is. I never had this with Shawn as I either worked or was babysitting, now I'm so lonely and everything fell through with the three little girls I was so anxiously waiting to recieve. I'm just sad, its the time of year my grandmother would be here or have passed through and made her way up north and be calling to check in on me!! Now even with that there is no phone calls. Well another two hours and my little ones will be home and we will leave to have our evening at the movies. So maybe I'll do a little bit of house work, like vacuum, put laundry away and aort out an order from Partylite. Okay this is the update for the end of October. Will update again when the house is all decorated and ready for the Reason for the Next Season!!!! Yes even in my sadness I say THANK YOU GOD FOR CHILDREN!!!!!


At 9:37 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Want to borrow mine for a day or two?
They are so FREAKING LOUD somedays!
Today they nattered away until I thought I was going MENTAL!!!

You're right, sometimes it is a lovely noise but when I'm a tired, cranky mommy---it's just NOISE!

Bah Humbug!
Mumble Mumble
(do you think I could win the Grumpy Mommy of the Year Award?


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