Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Well the garden is in, the yard work is pretty much done other than general upkeep and now the only preparation for the season would be our seasonal out at the Oasis. I so much look forward to 6 weeks of complete freedom, with just my boys and the beach. It will be so much fun, no big trip planned this year but that is okay as the garden is coming up this year already and it is so exciting to see all the changes in growth after the rain or even over night. My corn is already 3 inches and my radishes are coming and my beans and all of the other things as well. Life is looking like there is life for me finally, I can almost begin to see FREEDOM!!!
Although I think the past year has definitely take a tole on me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I will have alot of work to do to get back to feeling alive again. I also have lost many friends, in the process of this last very long season. My hope is those who really knew/know me will understand. If not I guess its one of those things you just cut your losses and hope that circumstances will bring them back into my life. I did not ever think I had fallen into a depression until a few things occured over the passed year that kind of made me realize, it really is a disabilatating illness. You really don't know until your there, your really don't understand it I think unless you've been there. I also believe we all may go trough different types and have some understanding but because we are unique individuals, with different strengths, our abilities are different. I do have to say though I am so happy that I am beginning to see life again. Up to now I was not even caring that my first born was graduating this year. I'm coming around. But the boys are now needing breakfast and I will keep somethings to post for another day.
I just thought I would let you all know for me life will be getting better. So until next time, have a great day!!!!


At 8:37 PM, Blogger Erica said...

You haven't lost me as a friend.
I'm still here.
Sorry, I didn't know how bad things had been going.
I would offer help or encouragement but sometimes I feel like I'm in the same boat as you...
perhaps we should pray TOGETHER.

At 6:42 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

You didn't lose me as a friend either...I think maybe you meant that a lot of your friends had moved away??????

At 5:23 AM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Ditto on what Erica said. I`ve been thinking about you a lot, but not taking the time to call you up, and then I went to Japan. Just let myself use the "busy" excuse. Sorry. But I didn`t count myself as out of your life. Hope I`m still in. Bought you a Japanese gift a couple of weeks ago. Does that get me back in?


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