Saturday, December 30, 2006


2006, almost out the door and 2007 coming in what will be held for all of us???? My hope if of course all the good stuff. PROSPERITY (which most of us or those I at least know have),HEALTH, AND MANY HAPPY MOMENTS TO ADD TO OUR MEMORIES FOR THE YEARS WE SIT AND REMEMINANCE our lives. I laid in bed today prior to getting up thinking I am now getting to a age where I will not have long before I am 50 and I still am thinking what will I do when I grow up!!! I just don't feel old, I feel fortunate to have the life I have as difficult some days may be how fortunate I am to live in the country upon which I live. How long will it be that I live in this safe place?? How long, before we ever have to live in fear of those we only ever really see or hear about on the television?? We see the famine, we see the innocent killed, yeah there is the daily stuff of bad things that happen in life, but what about those who live in country where young boys are raised to kill, or give up there lives for their families. Thats the yucky stuff, oh how fortunate we are, and to see this and not be affected by it hmmm.... We have to be somehow affected, no i can't change it but I can pray and oh how I CERTAINLY THANK GOD FOR GIVING ME FORTUNATE LIFE I HAVE. FOR LIVING IN A COUNTRY WHERE FOOD IS EASILY ACCESSIBLE, WHERE I CAN GET UP AND THINK OF WHAT WILL I DO TODAY AND BE ABLE TO JUST DO IT!!! No I can't fly away with my own private jet, or phone my driver, or have the maids do it all but I can live and breathe and go wherever I want in my world freely. Not having baracades of armies, or stand in line for food or none of that stuff. We do live in a world of wealth and a world of luxury, a world of excess!!! How can I ever say I am not happy??? When there are so many who dream to have the life I have!!! So what do I think that I will do with my 2007, I think I will live daily being ever so thankful for life, being positive and trying not keep wanting more and more but my challenge this year will be to try to live with less. Not that I have to but one that I think I need to challenge myself to do as I have so much!!! So I am going to explore the thoughts of and see the things I might be able to act on getting on with less. Do I really need more blankets, or should I buy one and bring it to the person living on the streets??? That kind of stuff. Am I silly???? I don't know...... but I do know that the sadness I feel is not just because my grandma passed; or because my children have gone to school. There is more to my sadness than just the personal stuff I am feeling its about what is going on in the world in the spriritual realm,how much of society just does not care anymore. No moral values, almost like the days of Sodom and Gamorah. Oh how sad!!! I can only do what I feel is right will it ever have a profound effect no not really but it I can try to affect my world and those around me. Life is good, oh yes!!!! Life is full, oh yes!!! Is life fulfilled maybe not but life is only what I make it and I can only be as happy as I allow myself to be. Who is in control???? Me, what I do with it is up to me!!! So I challenge myself to look only to the positive and only to the good stuff to the stuff that makes others happy and me happy too. Hmm.. Does this type of resolution beat the old "I'm going on a diet and only meet the needs of my own selfish personal gains?" I don't know but its different and I don't always like to do what every one else does, quit smoking, go on a diet, blah! blah! blah! So off we go to an evening of fun, toboganning then watching the fireworks at midnight with my family and home to bed to begin the day with cooking for guests tomorrow. So to all those I love HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! WITH A GREAT BIG TOAST TO NEW BEGINNINGS TO ALL OF YOU FOR 2007!!!!


At 2:08 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Happy New Year to you Gail and Dave and all the kids! And pets....I do not think you are silly at all, and it is good to be thankful....thanks for the reminder!!!! I hope you have a great New Year and just remember..Keep on being you, there is only one of you and that is the person I love! Just like you are. Nearly fifty? You old fart!!!!!

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Erica said...

What you posted is something I've been feeling this year as well.
I want to learn to be content with what I've been given because I am so blessed. In my new neighborhood I meet people all the time who have WAY too much stuff who feel they do not have enough because they are unhappy.
They really believe that more things will make them happy.
How much of that lie have I bought into is the question I am asking myself?

This year I will find joy in what I have and try not to look at the lies on t.v. and magazines that tell me what I want or need.

Joy and contentment to you and your family in 2007!

At 10:26 PM, Blogger Bev said...

There was a quote by Jim Cary in the Readers Digest that said something like "I wish everyone could have wealth so they could see that wealth does not bring fulfillment" We know where true JOY is found.


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