You Know Your Getting Old When.......
Just thought I would let you all know that you may catch me blogging a little more over the next couple of days as I am unable to do anything. My wonderful 18 year old son and I were wrestling yesterday when he broke my rib and I am now unable to do house work. I have informed him that he has now become my _________. You fill it in. Payback can be nice sometimes and I will milk this one with him for sure. It all started with him having to take me to emerge until 4:00 a.m. He informed me that it was the first time he stayed up that late without alcohol. Poor baby!!! So be on the look out for more post I now have to go and supervise my van being cleaned as I have to go to the airport to pick up my wonderful mother who is coming in from the north for test once again. Joy, joy, joy!!!! Please do pray. O.K. Later!!!
Love Gail
Way to GO! SHAWN!
Poor boy, he probably feels awful.
But that doesn't mean, you shouldn't milk the sitation for all its worth!
ha ha
Have fun with mommy!
My word, emerg at four in the must really have been in some kind of nasty pain. How long is this recovery period supposed to last?
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