Monday, December 27, 2004

One Last Blog for 2004!!

Well we did get the Ho! Ho! thing done and we did sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JESUS!!!
Everyone was happy, full and tired. Leaving me bagged today with no energy and wanting to do nothing. The utility room if filled with laundry coming out of my ying yang and I am sitting hear at the computer feeling angry because I did all this stuff and nothing changes but thank you that was great and the work is there for me to do as they all walk away. I think I do remember seeing something on the news just before Christmas of Parents going on strike. Wonder who had to give in first, as I was unable to follow it up. I know I would give in as I would get tired of the whinning and just get up and do it and get it over with. Yet I think I would like to do just that go on a holiday, and have people serve me, and dote on me, and do my laundry and blah blah blah!!!!! I think I am feeling quite tired as my Fibromyalgia has returned and I also have very much pain in my body. So what do I do with it all.
I know I was able to over come it once before and I do hope I will be able to do the same again this time. It does take a tole on my body though. Wha Wha!!! Now who is whinning aye!!! So I'll pick up my socks and I have to say the move was great but there are times like today that I feel lonely and would like to have people around out here no one comes unless they are invited and so you don't have to get dressed unless you are going out to the city or you are running errands somewhere around the country side. Great for the laundry as if we don't get dressed we don't have more laundry to add to the pile ha!! ha!!! I do sound so positive and chipper don't I . Well folks HAVE A SUPER D DUPER NEW YEARS!!!! GIRLHART

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


I keep wanting to blog who has time when you have a set of now 3year old, a 11 year old (ODD) child and a 17 year old sports jock without a license. But I thought I would take some time out today and just let everyone know where girlhart is and what she is up to. I just have baking and wrappping to do no more shopping yee ha!!!As for other parts of me I have been very busy trying to maintain sanity in it all. My biggest thing this season is saying "no" and feeling ok about it. I know I can't please everybody, but I don't like to hurt peoples feelings either. This a very weak side of me that I know I do have to overcome; and be able to feel good about it. Well I do have a few things I need to do before I head out to the city for an appointment with my 11 year old ( you know with the whole team of people who are working for him to do whats best for him and if he needs meds and blah blah blah!!). So if i don't do housework now it will not get done at all. WISHING ALL YOU BLOGGERS A GREAT CHRISTMAS, REMEMBERING ALWAYS THAT HE REALLY IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!!!! JESUS REALLY IS OUR BABY KING THIS SEASON!!! ALSO ALL THE BEST IN 2005!!!