I fianlly decided to blog. I have absolutely no ambition to do anything else so, I thought well maybe I will blog and let some of you who check my site out know how life has been in this neck of the woods. Its been basically doing all the regular mundane things of life, nothing really overly exciting. Just getting by doing what I have to and feeling like I am existing just to keep all those around me happy. Can life get any better than that. I do have to say that February was the longest month of the year for me and yet some members of my family did some kind things to try to put a smile on my face. Like a got roses for Valentines day and even though my significant other was away for my B-Day I had a awesome birthday with lots of surprises. I thing it will be a year that will be added to my list of memoires. It was actually a very nice day. Beginning with a full body massage for one full hour, then later in the day a manicure and pedicure, then off for dinner. It was very nice and imagine all this done and my significant other was not even here. His lost. HA HA!!! As for managing the show without him, well it is like you do what you gotta do and that is it. I am so longing to go to church but when Sunday comes around all I want to do is sleep. I am really not sure where I should be at, I don't feel a complete release from the body I have not attended since December, yet the thought of going there just brings much sadness to my heart. So where am I at spiritually is just calling out Oh God!!!! HELP HELP HELP!!!! Very desperate for Him to come!! Mind on a more positive note I do have some positive and happy thought with the thought of spring being around the corner. Being ablt to go out and work in the yard and creat another garden soon will be so wonderful. What else can I say that is where I do go for happy moments, in the garden or the thought of the ocean. I get through each day with the thought that tomorrow is another day and this too shall pass. Life does go on and we all move with the seasons that come and go. So on that really happy note I have to say so long, for now and I will keep you all posted again when the urge arises or if I have some time on my hands that will enable me to do this again.