Well since I last blogged there is alot of new stuff. Some good and some not so good but the good far outweighs the bad. Life has been very busy and of course with me not blogging for awhile I am sure some of you who look to see if I have blogged something new will know that. Before I start my day today such as the typical out and do laundry and get the yard ready for winter as David is out of town again. Lets see which do I prefer David out of town giving me a break from his mood swings or doing all the winterization of the yard and our camp. HMMMM..... which do I pick???? Such a hard decision???? Not!!! Hands down, life is much simpler with him away and not complaining about this and that and all the mood swings. Yup the yard wins!!! Don't get me wrong I do love him but with his bi-polar he does have to be prayed away at times. I know God loves both of us!!! LOL!!! Then we buy our oldest son a car and two weeks after he gets it he blows the engine, such a joy to have young adults who try to make you feel guilty for not going out right away and co-signing a loan for them so they can have there vehicle repaired rather than them have to save there money and repair it themselves. Any one feel sorry for my kid yet??? It almost worked you know like the little one who is tantrumming and wanting a candy, easier to get it for them to just shut them up at times. But I am mommy hear me roar, I stood my ground with much effort. Now are you wondering where the JOY is in all of this well WE ARE THE PROUD PARENTS OF TWO BOUNCING BOYS. ONE WHO IS 38 LBS. AND THE OTHER 42. HARD DELIVERY!!! But well worth the wait. Yes we have two more bearing our last name and I now have my THREE SONS!!!!! They were very excited as well as they love parties just like mom!! WE celebrated from 2:30 in the afternoon until 9:00 p.m. We had much support and lots of fun, also alot of happy tears. So now you can sort of understand why I have not been blogging. Shortly after that I was very sick, and the boys have begun e`cole fracais!! I will be going a taking a intermeditate class to update my spelling and reading so I will be able to help the kids with there fracais. Oui je parle fracais!!! More secrets are out about me, oh no!!! Anyways folks that is the update about this girl for now! Have a great weekend!!! One other note to mention we will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary this month as well. A milestone for us considering all we have been through; as I'm sure anyone who has been married this long or longer would have stories to tell as well.