Tuesday, February 01, 2005


We are in the middle of a fast and my very good friend calls me late tonight to inform me that she is ditching me and leaving for Kansas City. IM SO DEPRESSED. I TOLD I WOULD ACTUALLY BLOG TONIGHT BECAUSE OF THIS NEW TID BIT OF INFORMATION SHE COULD NOT WAIT TO TELL ME. But Seriously if I had the opportunity, I would go to; so all kidding aside I really am happy for her as she deserves a BREAK TODAY. I will miss her but as long a sshe gains much wisdom and God speaks to her while she is there I will be happy, happy for her. Another quick question I need to ask is how do some of you find the time to blog as often as you do. I feel guilty because I havent had the time sinceI dont know when. Like my eyes are closing and I snneed to get to bed. Good night! Like I told my girlfriend know I was going to all weekend. God to go to bed now. goood night.


At 9:33 AM, Blogger Bev said...

Are you suggesting in the last sentence that "God needs to go to bed"??? Pssst, Psssst, (don't tell Gail but)I'm going to Kansas city....shhhhhh!

At 11:05 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Hey Gaily .... It's o.k. to be jealous of Bev . at least in this particular case.
Be encouraged that the day WILL come when you will have lots of time to blog , though , by the time the twins give it to you , blogging will have likely evolved into another form altogether . Ha ha ha ha !
Love you and miss our prayer times .
Bless you !


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