Saturday, November 13, 2004


At this point in my life, I am feeling God telling me it's okay to say no. That I must beging to learn to say no. Looking for when you draw the line to compromise, and just say "no". Over the past couple of weeks I became very overwhelmed with life circumstance, and not being able to say the N to those close to me, or those who would call. In what I felt may have been a brink/close call to insanity;losing myself in the midst of it all. When your crying inside oh God HELP, I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE!!!! He is faithful and brings things about that in the midst of all the craziness, your weaknesses begin to appear and you realize you cannot save the world. He reminds you that that is why Jesus died, and it is not mine alone to carry. In a moment you begin to wither and give in and say ok, yes my life is now falling apart and I just cannot do it. Amazing how when you cry out to Him and He comes and gives you what you need, to find your sanity. So I do have a weekend of quietness with just me and my babies, my son is on a retreat, and my fosterson gone to a uncles. Life will slow down because I have to make that choice. Nice to help but not at the expense of those who are suppose to matter most to me. I feel God speaking to me and I know this but its that part of us that is driven to just go, go, go. When peace is no longer in the home and turmoil surrounds us we need to put oursevles in check to see what is going on. Lifes lessons continue no matter how old you are and sometimes they occur over and over again; until the light comes on and we actually begin to smell the coffee. I do enjoy the challenges that are thrown my way as often these are the times I seem to grow the most and I really do love that these are the times I really HEAR GOD THE LOUDEST!!! So I do have to say HE IS MY SANITY!!!! I am so happy to have Him as my Very Best Friend and the one who is always there to teach me lifes important lessons. Its a season to go deep and grow once again.


At 7:09 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi GailyPoo
Glad to see those little letters (hee hee)
It is wonderful to hit your forties (give or take a few years) and to begin to live in the realm of not having to save the world! Leave all that to the younger ones (20's and 30's)
See, there is a freedom in getting older! It comes with wisdom....:)

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Bev said...

You are doing it girl--you are saying NO!! Keep it up. Remember 'Practice makes perfece'

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Bev said...

You are doing it girl--you are saying NO!! Keep it up. Remember 'Practice makes perfect'

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Bev said...

Gail--I know you are alive---I've been to your house--How about a new blog already!!

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Good Heavens...(Lieve Hemel) Where is Gail??????
No new blogs for weeks.......


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